Blog’s First Anniversary

Well, yesterday was this blog’s first anniversary and what a greater way to celebrate than to be “slashdotted.”

Not exactly slashdotted, but dugg, wired, kevinned, NHSed, Emergiblogged and many more. For all the people who kindly linked to my site, thank you a lot.

From Shortstats

From Google Analytics

With that ammount of traffic, my website crashed for an hour, but everything came back to normal.

I would like to thank all the readers, and specially the commentors because you are the possitive feedback.

Click on the GeoMap

Thank you for your kind support and for everything. I will keep blogging for you.

7 thoughts on “Blog’s First Anniversary”

  1. Hi Dr Mikel

    I accidentally discovered your blog and thought you’ve put a great effort on your blog. It’s always very pleasant and educational to read your blog! good work!

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