Getting NOT enough or TOO MUCH sleep increases risk of type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Via Diabetes Care Journal.

A cohort study (made by Yaggi, Araujo and McKinlay) who enroll men from 1987-9 to 2004 showed the next results:

Men reporting short sleep duration (< =5 and 6 h of sleep per night) were twice as likely to develop diabetes, and men reporting long sleep duration (>8 h of sleep per night) were more than three times as likely to develop diabetes over the period of follow-up.

So, If you get too much or not enough sleep, you can develop Diabetes Mellitus.

Source: Diabetes Care 2006;29:657-661.


Jon Mikel Iñarritu, M.D.

2 thoughts on “Getting NOT enough or TOO MUCH sleep increases risk of type 2 Diabetes Mellitus”

  1. Judy:

    You could be right. It would be nice to adjust for DM2 family history.

    This study was adjusted for age, hypertension, smoking status, self-rated health status, education, and waist circumference.

    The autor thinks that this risk (to sleep a lot or not) for developing DM2 could be mediated by changes in endogenous testosterone.

  2. Or perhaps if you have a predisposition to type 2 diabetes, you’re more likely to get more or less sleep than the average person who doesn’t.

    Coincidence is not causation. Where’s the evidence?

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