National Survey for Health and Nutrition in Mexico (2006)

The 2006 National Survey for Health and Nutrition in Mexico (Encuesta Nacional de Salud y Nutrición 2006, a.k.a. ENSANUT) revealed that among mexican adults, 70 percent have obesity or overweight.

There were not states in the Mexican Republic with smaller prevalence to 55 percent.

Campeche, Chihuahua, Durango, México City, Estado de México, Quintana Roo, Sonora, South Baja California, Tabasco and Yucatán have obesity prevalence greater than 75 percent.

This means that one of every three adolescents have overweight or obesity, wich is about 5.7 millions of adolescents.

This data is very important because obesity and overweight are risk factors to cardiovascular disease, diabetes and cancer.

The survey also points that about 47 percent of people with hypertension and 37 percent of people with hypercholesterolemia don’t know that they suffer this diseases.

It also adverts that the prevalence of low height in children younger than 5 years old it is alarming, affecting about 1.2 millions of children. Prevalence of anemia in this age group was 23.7% (1.8 millios of children).

As you can see, Mexico stills in the third world and I found this too disappointing.

7 thoughts on “National Survey for Health and Nutrition in Mexico (2006)”

  1. Hi! I’m searching surveys about nutrition in mexican children, or just children arround the world. It would be very helpfull if someone could send me quetionaries or examples. Thank you.

  2. It’s really sad to know that over 70 percent of Mexico are overweight or obese. The government must implement good nutritional guidelines to help their people. a healthy country is composed by healthy people. We have to educate them as soon as possible to save more lives.

  3. Hello. I am writing a book on health and nutrition, and documenting the rise of obesity around the world, and would like permission to use information from this article: National Survey for Health and Nutrition in Mexico (2006). The following is an excerpt from my book:

    According to the 2006 National Survey for Health and Nutrition in Mexico, there was not one state in the Republic with overweight or obesity prevalence under 55%, and there were many that were upwards of 75%.

    I will cite however you wish, so please specify if you would like additional citation, and I can also reference the web address.

    Thank you for your time and attention,


  4. I find this surprising too, especially given the poverty. Diet of course, is another matter. But more surprisingly, I would have expected more border states (Tamaulipas and Nuevo Leon, especially) to have made the list with all the ease of U.S. fast food/eating habits across the border. It’s a mixed bag for Jalisco given Guadalajara/Puerto Vallarta where although GDL is the 2nd largest city, there is a lot of money here (as in any big city) so there’s also the drive to be thin, plastic surgeons on every corner, etc. Toda por la belleza (si tienes el dinero). I also wonder what the various indigenous races’ genetics factor in. La Sierra is not too far away–people from that area were the closest I’ve seen locally to true 100% Indian roots.

    An interesting study to be sure…

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