Myths: Human Papillomavirus infection

Human papilloma virus (HPV), coloured transmission electron micrograph (TEM).
Human papilloma virus (HPV), coloured transmission electron micrograph (TEM).

Common myths & facts about HPV infection

  1. Not a common problem. Approximately 80% of sexually active adults will have the HPV virus at some point during their life.
  2. Only women get HPV. This infection is common in both sexes.
  3. Condoms prevent HPV infection. If there is a skin-to-skin contact, you can get the infection.
  4. Every type of HPV cause cancer. High-risk viruses (16, 18) can cause cervical, anal, oral and penile cancer.
  5. Only vaginal sex can spread the infection. HPV can be spread through oral, vaginal or anal sex.
  6. Garlic concentrate can cure the HPV. There is no cure for human papillomavirus infection.

Be sure to look for a medical opinion if you think you may have an HPV infection.